
wen i wrIte in his color im in a weird funny & crazy mood so shud be blue, thats
wen im in a serious mood....oh do u hear sound? wen u enter site? coz i dont 'o_O'
Thursday the 13th, April, i was in bad car accident, i was in coma for 4 days and
in hospital for 2 weeks, my friend sitting next to died on impact... yes I was driving, but not my fault, fkn taki driver
skipped the red traffic light, he must hav been going fast coz car is sqaushed. i got bad memory. The doctor says i'll be
fine, just need time to recover. Bernie i think about u all the time brother man... and i see u now where ever u r, you
got a drink in yr hand and telling me to shut the fuck up and get rest to recover lol! ok
me! HaHa
"The events which transpired five thousand years ago;
five years ago, five minutes ago,
have determined what will happen five minutes from now; five years from now, or five thousand
years from now.
All history is a current event..." (John Henric Clarke)
What's New?
so who had a dream of this? i shud have!
duh!!! i did . i dreamt of the green worm from
Alice also.... i was told oneday wen i woke up in hospital i told winnie
i dreamt i was smoking withthe worm in wonderland...hehe duh!!!
by the way i told winnie, my best friend, my meeeeeee, i luv me...ok any way...aken
from a talk we had about wut i said:
dream of green...i was singing welcme to the west end with the worm...and i said wonderland
isnt what it seems, the's more gping onn behing the scenes...thats all
Its an ache , A swelling pain ! that goes on and one ,throbbing
to an unknown rhythm, never missing a single beat, undulating for infinity , THE PAIN OF ABSENCE , NEVER DIES NEVER ENDS
written by my friend of mine he is living in egypt hey!!! he is a guitarist & likes
see arabs are not that stupid not this one,Duhhhh!!!
If there are 'intellegent' extra biological entities & outer dimentional terrstrials,
it surely explains why we havnt seen them......they are 'intellegent'
We on the other are so stupid enough to test nuclear bombs on the
same planet we live onn.....
How do you feel today...
...does it matter?
Fuck!!! i miss my friend that died recently...Bernie, i miss yr insanity....
im alive and it sux i shud hav died, but i'll make music...
i am a musician just need to go into recording.....i dont
have enough money to though.... so if y'r feeling generous invest in me pls i need 5000$ dollars...
to start...
'o_O' \m/666\m/
"This is what?
Feel at home!
so do we co-exist or what? Maybe they want
us to think this... ...or What?"
Heifer whines could be human cries Closer comes the screaming knife This beautiful creature must die This
beautiful creature must die A death for no reason And death for no reason is MURDER
And the flesh you so fancifully fry Is not succulent, tasty or kind It's death for no reason And death for no
reason is MURDER
And the calf that you carve with a smile Is MURDER And the turkey you festively slice Is MURDER Do you
know how animals die ?
Kitchen aromas aren't very homely It's not "comforting", cheery or kind It's sizzling blood and the unholy stench
It's not "natural", "normal" or kind The flesh you so fancifully fry The meat in your mouth As you savour the
flavour Of MURDER
NO, NO, NO, IT'S MURDER NO, NO, NO, IT'S MURDER Oh ... and who hears when animals cry ?

Knowledge Navigator |
what pisses me off bout religions iancludinf islam
is 'Gods' vanity.
yes there is a gos that made us all, but
'God' was lonely so 'God' create us, to worship
his beauty and if we dont do what 'God', tells us to do do or hoe to behave we get punnished.
dont belioeve ina 'God' i believe in the source, but who says he has laws? we already know wutws
right or wrong, like causing pain for others & making life difficult for others.
like the Source isnt? .......think about it.......
i think 'God is dead' satan killed him
Some...thing...some...thing...please get in touch
with any comments or reactions to my site.
"angel....dont take yr life 2 nite...i know they take u & they
take u turn ,and they give nuthing real for yrself in return and when they have
used u and broken u & wasted all yr money & cast yr shell aside, i wil be here...and wen they have baught u and sold
u and built u for the pleasure and made yr parents cry.... i wil be here ohn believe me, i will be here i love u more than
i luv u morrissey